The Publishing Mastermind Course
Learn How to Create The Best Books and Market Them for the Best Results
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This Publishing Mastermind Course contains hundreds of lessons geared toward taking an author from any stage in their career toward being capable of making six figures a year! With this course, you won't need anything else to have a successful fiction-writing career!
This course hold back nothing, teaching everything from the basics to well beyond the techniques that all the big earners in publishing usually keep to themselves. No more secrets, no more guessing games, and no more luck! Everything you need to know is inside!
This course includes the complete content from the following courses:
- The Secret To Series that Sell
- Plotting the Breakout Bestseller
- Crafting the Breakout Bestseller
- How to Write a Novella in 14 Days
- Querying 101
- Synopsis Lab
- The Key to Author Branding
- The Bestselling Blurb Formula
- New Release Formula
- Releasing Books on a Budget
- Releasing Full Priced Books
- The Sales Page Optimizer
Here's a bigger breakdown of what's inside!
Series Idea
Series Titles
Book Titles
World Building
Character Cast
Series ARC
Series Development Planning Worksheet
Creating a Pitch
Turning Point 1
The Journey
Rising Action & Plot Twists
Turning Point 2
Recap of Basic Plot Elements
Chapter by Chapter Plot Points
Developing a Romance ARC in Any Genre
The Role of Setting in Your Plot
Mundane Acton to Eliminate Mundane Writing
Developing Opening Hooks
The Role of Action in Every Scene, Regardless of Genre
Getting Conflict on Every Page
Creating and “Unputdownable Book” with Ending Hooks
Setting Up Your Next Book
Writing to Structure WithOUT Plot
Eliminate Writers Block Completely
Writing Tension, Suspense, and Mystery in Any Genre
Add STEAM to Romance (withOUT Sex!)
Body Language and Facial Expressions
Reveal Character Through Point of View
Word Weaving (Balancing)
Fleshing Out WithOUT Filler
Deepening Point of View
Recasting Chapter Openings and Closings
Dialogue Techniques Part 1: Punctuation, Placements, & Non-Verbal/Non-Confirmative Responses
Dialogue Techniques Part 2: Said Bookisms & Eliminating Facial Expressions/Redundancy Clutches
Character-Appropriate Descriptions
Developing Story Texture and Character Depth with “Mundane Action”
Opening Lines for Your Book
Opening Scenes for Your Book
Chapter Opening Hooks
Closing Your Chapters
Book Endings
Writing Setting and Description - Details, Specificity, & Ambience
Writing Emotion
Writing Conflict
Writing Action
Chapter Lengths + Book Lengths
Page-Check for Pacing and Writing Quality
Page-Check for Pacing and Writing Quality
Vetting Editors
Select a Cover Designer
Formatting for Sell Through
Blurb Creation
Synopsis Creation
Querying Agents & Publishers
Creating Your Author Brand + Series Branding
Author Website
Street Team
ARC Team
Cross-Populating Your Audiences
Viral Audience Growth
Purchase Pledges
Distributing ARCs & Getting Reviews
Free Gift with Purchase vs. Giveaways
Optimizing Your Sales Page
Segmenting Your Newsletter
Newsletter Swap Technique
Release Technique to “Get Sticky”
Small Budget Releases
Big Budget Releases
The Book Boost Method
Developing Ad Copy
Targeting Tips for BookBook, Facebook, and AMS Ads
Extended Exposure Using a “Buzz Page”
Re-Release Techniques
Free Backlist Marketing
Paid Backlist Advertising
Tips on Selling Full-Priced Books
Feeling Book 2 + Onward
GRADUATE PACKAGE (All of these are delivered with the last lesson* Content Subject to Change based on What Options are Currently Available to Authors at the Time.)
- Making Kindle Unlimited Profits withOUT Kindle Unlimited
- Publishing for Profit 14 Step Plan
- Graduate Society Invitation
- Writing, Publishing, and Marketing Checklist
- Success Tracker
- 50% off One-on-One Mentoring
- 10% off our Advanced Social Media Course (PMC Expansion)
- 10% off our Advertising for Author Course (PMC Expansion)
Your Instructor
Rebecca Hamilton is a New York Times bestselling author who moved her writing career to the slow lane to focus on her family and on helping other authors build their careers. Over the last four years, she has helped hundreds of authors move from part time hobby writing to full time career writing. Many of her "graduates" have moved on to make $5k-40k+ a month writing books, and 20% Amazon's bestselling authors are Rebecca's past or current clients. Her 2018 one-on-one coaching clients have experienced 100% success rates with her 14 Step Method, though she also offers smaller courses for authors who just want to dip their toes into the publishing pool first, before diving in.